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One Year Anniversary Paper Gifts

During your first year of marriage, your wedding day is still a recent memory, and you have experienced many firsts as a married couple. Your first wedding anniversary is a time to celebrate all of it. But how?

For those of you who choose to go the conventional route, it is common practice to eat the topper of your wedding cake and exchange traditional anniversary gifts. Using the list of traditional anniversary gifts by year as a guide, first-year gifts are customarily made of paper.

If paper seems like an unexciting choice to commemorate such a momentous occasion, don’t worry. There are many thoughtful one year anniversary gifts for him or her that are made of paper. Here are some of our favorites:

Recipe Box

recipe box first anniversary gift

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Recipe boxes are a fun and nostalgic nod to the past. Give him or her the gift of a recipe box filled with handwritten cards of their favorite recipes to eat or make, some of their childhood favorites, and few new ones you’d love to try together.

Book Sets

first anniversary gift boxed book set

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E-books are handy, but some books are just better in print. Give your love a special version of their favorite book, like a rare first edition, or a boxed set of their favorite series. Or start a collection of the classics you can build on over the years. Literature is a timeless gift you can both enjoy for many years. It also looks beautiful on your bookshelves.

Wedding Vow Print

wedding vow print first anniversary gift

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Exchanging your wedding vows is perhaps one of the most memorable moments of your wedding day. Commemorate that meaningful memory by having your vows printed and framed for you to hang in a special place in your home so you can see them every day.


paper tickets first anniversary gifts

Take your love on a date with (paper) tickets to a sporting event, concert, play, or any fun event you can enjoy together. And, hey, no one says the event has to be happening in your town—or country, for that matter. Make it part of a whole anniversary weekend or weeklong getaway.

Card Games

playing cards first anniversary gift

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The couple that plays together stays together. And if playing games is your thing, look for fun new card games to try. There are plenty that are perfectly fun for two people. If classic card games are their thing, a beautiful monogrammed playing card box set will look make an excellent gift and look stunning in your home.

 Love Letters

You don’t have to be Shakespeare to write a love letter to your spouse on your first anniversary. Just say what is in your heart, and it is sure to be the most precious gift you can give.

For a unique twist on a paper one year anniversary gift for her or him, give KindNotes. KindNotes is a beautifully embellished jar of 31 sentimental love notes they can read all at once, once a day during your anniversary month, or anytime they need to feel your love. Each message is tucked into a decorative envelope and carefully arranged in a glass keepsake jar that will look exquisite displayed anywhere in your home.

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