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How to console someone whose mother or father has died?

The demise of mother or father can be the biggest unacceptable reality for one. When you see your friend or a close one suffer from this situation, you wish hard to serve them with your sympathies and help. But at such moments, you might find the person not able to soothe themselves. Believe me; you can still do things that can make them feel better if not happy. 

Sympathize With The Person

Words have the power to give solace to a burning heart. While your close one may be feeling isolated and lost, it is best to sympathize with the person. As soon as you learn about the person’s loss, reach the person by a phone call. The person might not be deliberate to talk to you but remember your sympathies can at the least make the person feel accompanied. Express the grief by saying “I am so sorry” and say best words about the demised person.

Sometimes a bereavement gift can help the person become strong to endure his/her a loss. Buy here best sympathy gifts!

Stay With The Person

If you are a very close friend of the concerned person, then he/she might love your company during the initial days of the break-down. So, don’t hesitate to offer to stay with the person. While you are with the person, be sensitive about the person’s mood. Don’t talk about touchy subjects like the cause of the death unless the person is willing. More you will be considerate about the person’s feelings, better you can make them feel.

Write Powerful Quotes To The Person

Anyone who goes through bereavement may not be under control emotionally. Talking to the person in a painful mental state can be even more disturbing. You can opt for writing to the person. Write an email and use words kind and powerful enough to express concern and to soothe the soul. You can also buy a sympathy gift such as glass jar full of powerful sympathy quotes. The person can open up the writing anytime they are comfortable to do so. Your words can be proved magical and calm the person’s mind to a large extent.

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