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Going the Extra Mile: Unique Gifts for Friends

Your bestie. Where would you be without her? She celebrates you at your best, cheers you up at your worst, and sticks with you through all the ups and downs in between.

Whether your BFF’s birthday is right around the corner or you want to honor your friendship “just because,” these thoughtful gifts are sure to convey your feelings of affection and gratitude for your number one gal pal.

BFF jewelry

unique friendship gift

Photo by etsy.com

That kitschy Best Friend Forever heart-shaped necklace set from your childhood has gotten a super-secretive upgrade: Morse code. You can custom order a necklace with a series of dots and dashes that represent a special word or phrase that only you and your bestie will understand. It’s a beautiful piece of jewelry that will always hold a special secret just between the two of you.  

Friendship lamp

friendship gift

Photo by amazon.com

How can you know for sure when your best friend is thinking of you? A friendship lamp, that’s how. The perfect gift to span the distance between far-away friends, a friendship lamp will tell you precisely the moment your best friend is thinking of you—and vice versa. Here’s how it works: You buy a set of two beautiful lamps, one for you, one for your friend. When one of you turns on your lamp, they both light up! It’s an illuminating reminder of your ever-lasting friendship.

Basket of lavender

friendship gifts

Photo by etsy.com

Whether she’s had it up to here with work and family responsibilities, recently had her heart broken, or just needs a chill session, gather up a thoughtful gift basket filled with lavender. Essential oils, candles, lotion, soaps, sugar scrubs, tea—really load her up. Not only can lavender help reduce anxiety, improve sleep, even help alleviate PMS—but it smells really lovely.

Birthday love letters

Yes, love letters. Just because you are not in a romantic relationship doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t pour your heart out and tell your best friend all the ways she enriches your life. In fact, when it comes to selecting a birthday gift for your best girl friend, your heartfelt sentiments may be the best thing you can give.

And when you choose KindNotes, we make it easy for you. KindNotes is an artisan-quality glass jar of 31 handcrafted messages, enclosed in mini decorative envelopes. You can select from our completed or ready-made sets or fully customize your own. Think of it as giving your friend 31 birthday cards they can open--one per day of their birthday month, or all at once.

A friend is a treasure to be cherished. Show her how much she means to you with a thoughtful gift that tells her you are there for her—and you always will be.

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